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How to Make a Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

Cleaning the bathroom and kitchen can sometimes be a lengthy process, from the countertops to the mirrors, the floors and the unique surfaces found in these areas such as stainless steel, natural stone and more. It can also involve a lot of chemicals, such as all-purpose cleaners, floor cleaner, household cleaners, bleach as well as natural cleaners that are disinfectant and antibacterial including essential oils, and other DIY homemade cleaners and cleaning products.

There are printable cleaning recipes with ingredients found in common retail stores or Amazon, to create or simply purchase natural cleaners like Castile soap or liquid castile soap for those that hate having to use potentially harmful chemicals to eliminate mold, stains, and general grime. The cleaning power and disinfecting capabilities of natural cleaners can be extremely high, and combine some of nature’s best ingredients like eucalyptus, lemon juice, peppermint, drops of essential oils and more. With the right cleaning recipes, mixed with distilled water, can create a natural cleaning solution and give you results you want from a homemade cleaning product. These eco-friendly natural products allow for wellness and natural living, from laundry detergent with stain remover, to glass cleaner, hand soap, dish soap, and your own cleaners that you make at home. 

Prep time and total time will vary, depending on the all purpose cleaner recipe you’re using.

Natural Solutions vs. Chemical Cleaners

A-1 Sewer & Septic has laid out some practices for cleaning surfaces in kitchens and bathrooms that could put chemical options to shame.

Try these natural solutions when trying to clean:

  • Glass surfaces: Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and one part water in a spray bottle. Use a sheet of newspaper to wipe the glass free of streaks. This is good for mirrors and faucets as well.
  • Toilets: Put a cup of Borax powder in the bowl and let sit overnight. Scrub in the morning and flush away the powder. Adding lemon juice can help dissolve tough stains.
  • Showers and tubs: A combination of 1 ½ cups white vinegar, 1 ½ cups water, and ¾ cup hydrogen peroxide can be sprayed in showers and tubs to help combat mildew.
  • Tile: Combine ¾ cup of baking soda with ¼ cup dish soap and create a paste. Add a bit of water to loosen the consistency and some tea tree oil. Apply to tile with a damp sponge, let sit, and then rinse away.
  • Soap scum: Mix equal parts white vinegar and dish soap in a spray bottle and spray on the areas with soap scum. Let sit for a few minutes and then scrub with a brush.
  • Grout: In a spray bottle, mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water. Spray on affected areas and let sit for an hour before scrubbing with a toothbrush. Rinse with water.
  • Drains: Check out this blog A-1 Sewer and Septic wrote on cleaning a drain without Drano!

Many of these solutions require water, baking soda, white vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide, which are often in the home for other purposes, but are also used in a DIY all-purpose cleaner.

Since chemical products can harm the plumbing in your house, it is helpful to explore natural remedies before resorting to harsh chemicals. Pipes and plumbers appreciate this consideration! 
