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Gas Line Repairs in Kansas City

A1-Sewer-&-Septic-ServiceIf you’ve had experience with both electrical and gas appliances, there’s probably one major takeaway that you learned from that experience, “Gas is better.” Just ask any realtor, home builder, or chef and they will quickly tell you that gas is better than electric.

So many people prefer natural gas to electric, that often when a homebuyer discovers that a house runs on electricity instead of natural gas, they will say, “No thanks, show me a house that uses natural gas!”

Why is natural gas better than electric? There are several reasons, for example, gas is more environmentally friendly, gas is much cheaper than electric, we have an abundant amount of gas, natural gas provides hundreds of thousands of American jobs, it’s more efficient than electric, and you just can’t compare a gas stove to an electric stove – real flames on gas stoves just cook a whole lot better than electric burners.

Natural Gas is Odorless and Colorless

In its natural state, gas is colorless and odorless. This is a cause for concern because it’s very hazardous for humans and pets to inhale the natural gas. Since natural gas is hazardous to human health, utility companies have added a scent that contains Sulphur to their natural gas.

Since Sulphur smells have a foul, rotten egg-like odor, people can smell it when there is a natural gas leak in their home. If you detect the scent of rotten eggs in your home and you haven’t boiled any eggs lately, take this as a sign that you may have a natural gas leak.

You cannot ignore a natural gas leak! If you have a gas leak and you leave it alone, dangerous gasses can be released into your home. When inhabitants and pets inhale natural gas, it can cause chest pain, which can eventually lead to death by asphyxiation. Natural gas also presents fire and explosion hazards.

If you smell rotten eggs, it’s important that you find the source of the leak right away. Once you find the source of the leak, shut off the natural gas to the home. Next, contact A-1 Sewer & Septic Service Inc. for professional gas line repair.

If you cannot locate the source of the leak, we can find it for you. Just remember, this is a potentially dangerous situation, so be sure to take action immediately!
