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Plumbing Inspection Tips for Prospective Homebuyers & Tenants

Are you planning to move to a new place? Before you make that huge purchase or sign off on that lease, you need to know what to watch out for when it comes to the plumbing. Otherwise, you could be met with a nasty surprise not that far down the road. Did you know that in the first year of getting a new home, almost half of all homebuyers have to call in a plumber? Avoid getting a plumbing disaster as a housewarming gift. Here are some things you can inspect for as you look through a place you hope to call your own.

When you are inspecting the bathroom:

  • Look for water damage on the floor that’s around the toilet. This could mean black or white stains or crinkled, peeling laminate that has resulted from a leak.
  • Step back and forth on either side of the toilet: if the ground feels springy, the flooring is probably damaged.
  • Flush the toilet to see if it takes a long time.
  • Look over the wall tiling around the bathtub of the shower. If the walls feel springy when you push against them, this could again indicate water damage.

In the kitchen:

  • Check under the sink, using a flashlight to check out the cabinet interior for bubbling liners, sagging boards, etc., any symptoms of water going where it’s not supposed to.
  • Look for leaks in the traps and supply tubes.
  • Perform a similar assessment for the dishwasher.

You will also have to inspect the water supply too:

  • Turn on the water in the bathtub, then turn on the kitchen faucet. Does the water stream at either end thin out? If so, the place may need new piping, as this could be a sign of significant mineral and calcium buildup.
  • If you have a basement to inspect, you can see if any of the exposed pipes show cracks, leaks, or evidence of having been newly repaired.
  • Find out if there are any sewer cleanouts. If there are cleanouts, you need to know ahead of time where these are so that you can reach them easily enough in an emergency.

Finally, having a sewer inspection is an advisable way to go. This is particularly true if the house has aged pipes, such that they are made of clay or concrete. With a camera inspection, you can assess any problems with the sewer. The cost of this video inspection pales in comparison to the costs of dealing with damaged sewer lines.

If at any point you need a plumbing problem solved, don’t hesitate to call a Kansas City plumber at A-1 Sewer & Septic Service Inc. for your quote! Get decades of plumbing experience on your side today!
